I got a roo, didn't I? =(


8 Years
Jun 23, 2011
Spokane Valley, WA
I have been wanting a barred rock for my flock for quite a while now...so, I finally was able to get one from the feed store this spring, but I think I ended up with a roo. =( They were supposed to be sexed pullets, but this one just feathered in too light not to question it. Not to mention the sudden growth of the comb. And "she" is only 4 weeks old.

From the comb, feathers and wattle, my guess would be roo. Here is a pic of mine at 4 weeks and I'm pretty sure mine is a she... I'm interested in seeing what everyone else thinks, since I'm still very new at this :)

Sorry, you have a cockerel
Yes, I took mine back at 4 weeks.

Him- 4 weeks


Traded for her(Luna)-- Same age 4 weeks

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Well, sometimes, they can fool you, though it does appear to be a cockerel.

Sexing is not always 100% accurate, going by the down, head spot and leg color.

My Lexie was much lighter than the normal BR pullet at 4 weeks of age. This was way before I'd raised up hundreds of BR chicks and knew all that much about the nuances of sexing when the traits were confusing.

Lexie on the right at 4 weeks old-and she lived to 5 years old, after being the mother of many chicks. Ivy on the left was much darker, more the normal pullet coloring. Lexie had a huge head spot and her legs were not nearly as dark.

Lexie and Ivy, older--huge difference in color!

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My Barred Rock girls (now almost 7 weeks old) were darker in color and didn't have a comb as distinguished as that at your baby's age. Actually, the still have very small combs but as I confidently announced that I got all girls yesterday my bf reminded me "Don't be so sure, you never know..." so while I'm giving mine girl names I am prepared for a surprise... just in case! It looks like you have a little boy to me. Hope that's okay! :)
Thanks for all of your replies. I am very disappointed that my pullet is looking more like a cockerel. =( I can honestly say that I won't be going back to that feed store to buy chicks next year unless I get sexlinks because out of the 7 sexed "pullets" I got, it is looking like I have four possible cockerels. I had way better luck at the other feed store last year when I got my six EE pullets...they were at least all girls. Not to mention, that feed store offered a refund on all cockerels if you ended up with some from the pullet bin. The store I went to this year basically told me I'm just out of luck. Oh well. I guess I'll just have to try again next year to get a Barred Rock pullet. Thanks again for helping me out. =)

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