I have 12 RIR pullets and so far the most eggs I've gotten in a day is 5 (butt check that morning revealed 4 layers, so a new one must have laid their first egg yesterday afternoon).
And today I got my first large egg (2.0 oz)!!! Sorry if it sounds dumb, but I've only gotten 1.3-1.6 oz eggs so far so I'm stoked! PS- any idea if this is a double-yolker? It's a bit skinnier but 1/3" longer than the storebought ones.
And today I got my first large egg (2.0 oz)!!! Sorry if it sounds dumb, but I've only gotten 1.3-1.6 oz eggs so far so I'm stoked! PS- any idea if this is a double-yolker? It's a bit skinnier but 1/3" longer than the storebought ones.