I Got My Peacocks!!!!

Thank you, and yes I knew for sure that I was going to get a white peahen then when I actually got her, she was so much prettier then I imagined.
You lucky dog..now iam sooo soooo happy for u and a little envious..u get to pet them..man now that wait was worth it then?


And yes,their gorgeous and your white peahen..to die for..I mean..do u know she is tame enough for me to dye her pink..hehehe

No seriously gorgeous..I truly am so ecstatic for u..
Your comments are getting better and better lol!

That Midnight White Eye is very pretty, that dark blue is so stunning. Whites might be simpler looking than other varieties, but I just love them they really stand out.
Thank you wannabchick. she is getting tamer as I write literally, I can now hold her
I might need to drop her off at your house so you can dye her imagine a pink one?
And MinxFox I agree they are so simple but so stunning.
And KlaHaYa Garden, thank you very much, do you have peacocks? I was never able to ask on the other post?
Yay, I'm glad you got them. Wow how pretty they are! I love her blue eyes and how pretty your boy is

Haha, I'd love to see a pink peahen. Reminds me of a night when I was younger, lots of alcohol + lots of hair dye = 1 unhappy tie dyed kitty
Haha, I'd love to see a pink peahen. Reminds me of a night when I was younger, lots of alcohol + lots of hair dye = 1 unhappy tie dyed kitty

Oh no a cat haha. And thank you, I am going to have to buy an adult peahen because he wont display for her at all.

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