I got Sulmet...now what??


12 Years
Dec 27, 2007
I went to my local Tractor Supply today and bought some Sulmet. They're these HUGE pills
Did I get the correct thing for Cocci? How do I administer it to my chickens? I only have 3 chickens.
BTW -- There was only 50cnt bottles and I ended up paying $60.00!!!!!!
You should have bought water soluable or liquid sulmet instead of pills.

Also keep this in mind...

Treatment for Cocci consists of drugs such as liquid amprolium or sulfa drugs (Sulmet, ESB3 or Whitsyn), but one should be careful with sulfa drugs, as they can be toxic when given too long or in too high dosages. Never give sulfa drugs to laying hens. In E. Necatrix infectious blood may occur in the intestine and mortality can be 1% per week or more.
So maybe I should return it? My hens are laying hens, but I really could care less about the eggs. I care a tremendous amount more about them

I'm soooooooo confused

Basically it comes down to this....I think my hens are sick. Their poos aren't as normal as they were when I got them. Two of them, I can feel their breast bone easily when I pick them up. One died last month. One stopped laying for almost 1mo. now.

I don't know their age b/c I got them as adults but I can tell you this...they eat 16% layer pellets and plain organic yogurt daily (free choice). They also have access to crushed oyster shell and crushed granite at all times. They get fresh, clean water daily w/ Avia Charge added to it. I clean their coop/run daily. I occasionally let them free range(supervised). I don't give them treats.

Any suggestions or ideas would be greatly appriciated
Chickaroo! :

Basically it comes down to this....I think my hens are sick. Their poos aren't as normal as they were when I got them. Two of them, I can feel their breast bone easily when I pick them up. One died last month. One stopped laying for almost 1mo. now.


It also could be worms.​
TYpically Cocci affects growing birds in hot weather-not usually a disease of older fowl. Bloody stools are usually present. With the symptoms you've described worms seems more likely.
I did return the Sulmet. I did have a fecal done a couple of weeks ago, but it showed no parasites. Could have been a false negative I guess. Maybe I should shell out another $62.00 for another fecal(that's how much it cost me the last time)!!!

Anyone know how I can for sure tell the difference between gapeworm and CRD? Can a fecal show gapeworm?
Wow, I don't think you need another fecal. My last one 2 weeks ago was $17.00, I would consider looking around.

It is important to have a nutritional diet. There are alot of things in the diet that can cause changes in their poo.

Good layer feed with a protein of 16% to 18% and backing off the treats, if that is the case will do wonders.

Treats make you happy, and the flock stressed from a candy like diet.

Well the last fecal cost that much b/c I had them done on 3 of my 4 chickens.
They already eat 16% layer feed from Tractor Supply and I stopped giving them treats weeks ago.
$62 for a fecal exam, $60 for meds-how much do you figure these 3 chickens are worth? ie:what would their replacement cost be?

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