Well as all of you know my female Cocoa started to lay a few months ago. We had a problem with our dogs loving the eggs so she started laying everywhere. We wanted her to sit on some eggs since we want ducklings. Since she was laying everywhere I started to collect her eggs. I collected 10 and made her a nice nest in there dog kennel. I fenced it off so the dogs couldn't get in there and everything. She took NO interest in that idea. So we ate those eggs.
Then she started laying under a hybiscus bush that I have. She dug a nice little nest and started laying there. I put a piece of 2x4 welded wire fencing around the hybiscus so she could fit in there but the dogs couldn't. That is her favorite spot now. I thought well that is great now she will lay her clutch then sit on them.
Well, she lays everyday for 6 days then takes a day off. She is a laying machine.
I left the nest alone for two weeks and she had 13 eggs in the nest and still wasn't doing anything with them. She just lays them then leaves. So I took about 7 that were at the bottom of the pile. She just continues to lay and lay and never sit. If I wouldn't have touched any of the eggs there would be over 30 eggs in that pile from when she found this great spot till now. My hubby thought maybe she wants a huge pile of eggs so I quit picking them up. I went out there yesterday to get an egg since an egg sandwich sounded so good and took one from the bottom of the pile very carefully. I did the water test and it sank and it still smelt and tasted great so the eggs are still good.
After all of this can I assume that she just isn't a broody duck just an egg machine. Or am I still jumping the gun here?

After all of this can I assume that she just isn't a broody duck just an egg machine. Or am I still jumping the gun here?

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