I hate this time of night.

i have nine too!
i was only supposed to have two. i dont know what happened.
aww im glad! its not so bad. i do sometimes get sucked into the trashy daytime talk shows, but other than that ive learned how to do lots of cool new stuff. nightime kinda sucks though because if there isnt anything to watch on my two channels there really isnt much to do when everyone is sleeping and the house is dark
OK HERE IT GO'S 8 Java hens, 3 Java cocks, a buff hen and cock, 2 splash cochin cocks, < 4 hens, A turkey hen P.S she is going broody 9 buff chicks, all but two are girls, 4 Java chicks, 2 of the javas are girls and the 2 javas are boys and 5 turkey chicks and one dog.
Got to go, RPs and my second novel are calling!
Have a wonderful, not boring night!

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