I have 10 buff orpington hens but only getting 1 egg a day?

Big John G

Aug 7, 2016
Hey guys, I got my 10 buff ladies and my 1 rooster in march. I was told I could look for eggs in August. I've been feeding them layer pellet (purina), and plenty of vegetation. They have a nice yard to move around in and free range all day. I got my first egg about 8 days ago and was excited. But only seeing about 1 a day. It's hot right now in GA, but I expected more. Am I wrong? Any ideas?.
Greetings from Kansas, Big John, and :welcome. Pleased you joined us! You are right - heat does take a toll on production. Still, one egg and then none for 8 days seems strange. Are your birds confined or do they range? I know mine can get pretty sneaky about where they deposit their eggs when the temps soar. Might look in shady and secluded places to which your hens have access. Good luck to you! :)
Is there a possibility that they have a hidden nest? In my experience Buff Orpingtons tend to start laying somewhat later than most available breeds.
Hi and

They just may not have started laying yet. But, if they have, my guess is that they're laying in the yard instead of in the nest box. They can be pretty good at hiding them! If this isn't the case, then you can check out this article of common reasons hens aren't laying.

Thanks for joining us and I hope you are enjoying lots of fresh eggs soon!
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Hi and welcome to BYC - you have some great advice already so I'll just say hello!

All the best

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