i have 5 adult hens. only one doesn't trance


Oct 10, 2017
All four of my hens lay eggs regularly. The only one doesn't is a former battery chick but i catvh her in nesting box acting like shes laying and trancing even but if she ever lays they are softshelled but i havent found one of those in awhile but she goes into a trance to pretend so i just let her be. Ok, the other is a former battery chicken i rescued both of them and she looks younger and lays daily but she must do it so quick that I've never witnessed this one trance.. Is it because she was a former battery chick she doesnt trance? Shes only hen i have that lays daily for me, too.
I'm assuming by trance you mean how they hold still so predators can't see them. Most of mine don't do that. Ex-battery hens are considered spent as far as laying, so I wouldn't expect much out of them. I'm sure some lay better than others, but some will actually be done. I have a few hens that will fake laying, it happens.
I'm assuming by trance you mean how they hold still so predators can't see them. Most of mine don't do that. Ex-battery hens are considered spent as far as laying, so I wouldn't expect much out of them. I'm sure some lay better than others, but some will actually be done. I have a few hens that will fake laying, it happens.
Well, my b.o and easter eggers when they lay eggs i can be throwing out food .my one bo and two ee's they stay still i guess an egg maybe about to plop out. Maybe it depends on breed or just up to the henns discretion that day..lol like normally they will run like little oinkers when i call them or they see me they instantly run unless they are in rhe nesting boxes so i dont think they sense danger who knows just chickens doing chicken things. Lol
Some do come out for feed and some continue with their business in the nestbox. It probably depends how close they are to actually laying the egg. Some do lounge in the boxes for hours, and others just get it done.

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