I have a missing chick...


10 Years
Sep 18, 2009
Milano, TX
Well, I got home this morning after leaving yesterday evening. Went out to tend to the flock and I had 1 chick missing. This is my first time having one go missing and there is no sign of distress anywhere. I had thought that it just got out of the run yesterday and is either lost and hiding, or the dogs got a hold of it. Well, after being outside for a bit, I thought I saw a hawk flying close by. I'm unsure if that is what happened, but if so I don't know what to do other than to sit outside all day with a shotgun.
Do they snatch them up with no evidence left behind? I am going to put a few "shelters" in the run for them to hide under but really, like I said, I'm unsure what else there is to do.
Mine free-range also and I have lost two to predators over the course of a year where I used to live. Never found out what had taken them. I found feathers once but there was NO evidence left behind when the other one was taken.
Hawks can take them; cats and dogs get them; racoons . . . the list goes on . . .
This past spring, my missing chicks were due to snakes...maybe too cold for that right now though.
Hmmm well, I see you're close by and you know how the weather has been. I'm sure the snakes are as confused as we are. I sure hope that isn't the culprit though!
I actually had two ducks that became cannibalistic. They killed and ate 2, day old chicks and killed 2, 8 week old EE pullets. We thought the chicks got out and disappeared, until we found one of the ducks in the process of eating one of them in a corner. They now are happily re-homed at my uncle's house with his ducks (no chickens).

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