I have a question please help!!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 11, 2012
By the time I can tell if a rooster is a rooster or not, will it be to late to tame as a lap chicken?? :/
IMO roosters are best left alone and respected. The either see you as dominant of submissive, never as friends. I wouldn't have a rooster that close to my face/eyes, ever.
The best luck I have had with roosters is if I leave them alone. I have 6 roosters and the only one who tries to peck me is the one who I nursed and helped up the roost and held all the time. Here I saved his life and he pecks me. ll my other Roos I never handled and they run from me. If I do pick them up they don't peck me or anything but they don't want to be handled. I don't know if this works or not but I have raised all these Roos and had great luck,
My RIRs are an odd bunch, one has a slightly largerr comb than the others, one has a more red comb than the others, one one just looks normal, they are sopposed to be all hens

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