I have an OVER-ACHEIVING Chicken!

That is HUGE! How old is she? The eggs look shiney. Is is the lighting or do you do something differently? Good job!
Have you weighed it yet? There are many reasons for a larger egg. She may have eaten well the day before, the egg took longer being made, it be a double yoke.
The eggs were shiny because I just rinsed them. I cracked it open and it was a double. I have had 3 doubles in the last couple weeks but they were not unusually large. As far as weighing it- I just ate it! I don't have a scale to weigh my eggs. Maybe I should get one.

WOW! It probably has two or three yokes inside. It's basically the same thing that happens when people-ladies have twins. Take a pic when you crack it open and let us know.
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WOW, what a beauty! Jim, do you know which of your hens laid this egg? One of my hens, a BR, has given us a huge egg twice now (and I posted about it each time...lol...) Isn't it a thrill?? You'd think we had laid the eggs ourselves!
The eggs were shiny because I just rinsed them. I cracked it open and it was a double. I have had 3 doubles in the last couple weeks but they were not unusually large. As far as weighing it- I just ate it! I don't have a scale to weigh my eggs. Maybe I should get one.

Oh ok!
Jim, do you know which of your hens laid this egg?

I am going to guess the hen with a sore butt! I really don't know. I have 6 hens and usually get 5 eggs a day. The eggs are usually similar in color and size- except that one. It made a very nice pepper and onion omelette!
When I started a thread about my "mega-eggs" a member posted with an idea with a gift for my chicken---one of those inflatable donut pillows! I just about fell off the chair laughing! My daughter (age 11) was reading over my shoulder saying "I don't get it" and the more she said, the funnier it got.

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