I have chicken fever.


In the Brooder
Mar 31, 2015
I was in the feed shop and they had fluffy yellow chicks to ooh and ahh over. The signage said they're white longhorn pellets. I'll believe the sign when I see more mature birds.. looked them up on the net and got people saying they're nasty and people saying they're sweet and everyone agreeing they're good layers. So after sitting in the feed shop looking them up on my phone for nearly an hour, I brought home a pair. They seem a lot greedier than my three mutt chickens. They're happy enough to sit in my lap or go to sleep on my daughter. I'm planning on handling them tons to encourage the sweet side of them to come out.


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I have 3 older chicks just about to go in the chicken run/coop for good. Hopefully it won't be too hard to introduce the pair to the trio once these little guys have some feathers.

These two are such little busybodies compared to what the older three were at the same age. Always scratching at the bedding and looking for something tasty. And one of them is definitely not happy to be put down.
He just wants to be held constantly. Peeps loudly for several minutes after you out him back in his pen before going back to his regularly scheduled curious chickie activity.
Are these little ones big enough to turn loose on my tile floor without worry of it damaging their legs? With close supervision, of course.


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They're now in my large bathroom with towels down. I'll get puppy pads tomorrow. They had a roughly 4 square foot pen which I think is big enough for 2 chicks? But they were pecking each other. The bathroom is bigger and they can hide behind the trash bin or the toilet or laundry basket and get away from each other if needed. Haven't seen any pecking when I sit with them except my toes when I use the room for what it was intended for.

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