I have found the world's dumbest woman!


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
Most of my egg customers are guys my SO works with. One of these guys bought his first dozen from me last week. This guy, a man in his late 40s, took as his second wife a woman that can best be described as arm candy. She's in her mid 20s now and not all that bright. When they married he found out she can't cook - she literally burned water - and she doesn't have a clue about cleaning. That's okay, she looks good on his arm at parties so he does all the cooking and cleaning.
This guy asked for more eggs yesterday and told my SO this story:
He went to scramble up some eggs on Sunday when his wife wandered into the kitchen (she must have found it on a map). She asked him why he was cooking up the BAD eggs.
Bad eggs he asks? Well yeah, she says. They turned brown. Doesn't that mean they're bad???? She was dead serious folks!
I swear I almost peed my pants when my SO told me this!
I told my SO to be sure this guy never tells his wife that I have roosters.

Gotta love those dizzy ones they always crack me up. Really he does all the cooking and cleaning???? WOW is all I can say.

I think you should send them some green ones and see what she says
My first thought when my SO told me this was "oh I have GOT to get some easter eggers!"
here's one I thought was kinda funny.

I asked my SO if he wanted Sweet Potatoes for thanksgiving dinner. He said

"I think it is wrong doing that to them I like my potatoes mashed with butter like normal"

At first I was confused then I realized that he thought sweet potatoes were regular potatoes with sugar on them or something. LOL The next time we went to the grocery I showed him the yams and regular potatoes and explained it all to him. The funniest part is that I dont think he believes me. I still love him though!
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Too funny!

My dad (not a farm person) looked at my assortment of egg basket colors (from marans, ee's, buff orps, and speckled sussex) and asked, "Now the only difference is the color of the shell, right?" I assured him it was and he was fine with it.
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