I have no idea what happened! Suggestions, please..


9 Years
Dec 30, 2010
Ocala, Florida
I went out this morning to clean the coop. I have 5 white chickens and 5 brown, so it's easy to see when someone's missing. I thought one of my WLs was in the nest box, so I went in to find her dead, upside down, wedged between the poop board and the wall. It was the most pitiful sight and I just can't imagine how she got that way. Her wings were at her sides as if she didn't even try to get free. Any ideas as to what in the world happened? It's only about a 4" space and she was a healthy-sized girl, so I can't fathom how she would get in there in the first place, much less head first.
That is very, very strange and I don't think you'll find an answer to that one. No blood, or damage to the bird of any kind (other than being dead of course) or to the other birds? Time to call Fox Mulder and Dana Scully......
No visible injuries or blood..nothing. I'm totally stumped. Hubs thinks they were fighting over a roosting position and she got bullied and pushed to the back and fell into the space, but that just sounds stupid to me...head first?? It's so weird and I've agonized over it all day.
Where was she in pecking order?? I've seen that once but it was a low ranking roo who wedged himself in a tiny space trying to get away from bullies.If I had not seen all this happen he would have been so tightly wedged he would have not been able to breathe for long !!
It took a bit for two of us to free him. just a thought
Sue was the second largest of the ten and I don't really recall her being bothered by anyone, so I always thought she was in safe territory. These ten grew up together and have always done well. Mary, a tiny BO, is mother superior, and even she didn't seem to pay this one any negative attention. I'm sick over it. She was a sweetie.
so sorry sometimes we just don't get to know what happens ! My husband did agree with yours that she may have fallen in her sleep or slipped !
Einstein (one of my girls who looked crazy and blue haired as a chick...)
Fell behind the nesting boxes one day...thankfully I was outside and heard the ruckus, so I was able to save her, but she was headfirst and wings down....very very small gap.
I had no idea how that happened, only thing we could think of was that the rooster knocked her over while trying to cuddle a bit too much.
Now the nesting boxes have the slants on top of them that butt up to the wall...no gap.
I'm so sorry about your girl!
I hate losing friends.

I'm sending all my hugs! Alllllllllll of em'!
I hope your other ladies are doing alright.

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