I have no idea what I am doing

Everyday mines poop is different depending on what they eat. The other day mine got 2 watermelons and I had to take a second look a few times since their poo was different, I had forgot they ate water melon, But you are so right worm poo is disgusting and smelly. Maybe a probiotic mixed into water for the lil ducky would help with smell?
I have a question...is a dark brown, terribly smelly diarrhea normal once every day for a duck? The rest of the time her poop seems to be normal. She is eating purina flock raiser crumble and does go outside daily to forage. I have the list of all the treats to give but she doesn't seem to like any of them lol so it's primarily just the purina and what she eats outside.

Cecal poop... perfectly normal... if it is foamy and/or yellow, then worry...

And be glad it isn't broody duck poop... :sick
Cecal poop... perfectly normal... if it is foamy and/or yellow, then worry...

And be glad it isn't broody duck poop... :sick
Just watch, that'll be the next trick that Lucky learns to torture her humans! She'll go broody! Any before she lays her first egg! lol, sorry, just the posts about when she was in her moody teenage weeks.. I can't imagine a grumpy and hissing Lucky would distress them less!
Just watch, that'll be the next trick that Lucky learns to torture her humans! She'll go broody! Any before she lays her first egg! lol, sorry, just the posts about when she was in her moody teenage weeks.. I can't imagine a grumpy and hissing Lucky would distress them less!
Well she is only days away from the big move to her outside home. As much as I'm looking forward to it I'm getting nervous lol no big surprise there. My baby is moving out :frow:frow
Lucky has made me so much more excited for my ducklings that are cooking. And I'm getting increasingly anxious because they had a rough start and I so want them to be OK :fl
I will expect some damn hand holding when they are hatching since I have never done it and I am already freaking out :lau
Ok BYC family. Here it is.... It's nearly done just a couple finishing touches but it's done enough for her to move in. We just need to move her coop inside the gazebo. I'm just not sure how I'm going to handle that. God help me!!!

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