I have silkies help

My silkies free range, but they stay pretty close to the chicken barn door. I do have some that find their way to the lower and middle perches at night. A few find thier way to the silkie pile in one corner of the mesh cage and a few are always about the barn in one corner or another. I have to gather these up and they are usually the same birds. I have never really had a problem with them in the flock. I do have one roo silkie that will take on bigger and meaner roos than hisself. So far no fatalities.
when I first put them with the flock the silkie roo ran around kicking all the other roos butts. And they were much bigger I was terrified.Now they leave raj(short for maharaja) and his 2 hens alone.
And they do make you want to cater to them I think this is why Purple chicken says they are evil
How long have you had your Silkies? I heard that Silkies will often stick together, sort of away from the other part of the flock for up to a year. They also don't like heights too much, most of them anyway, so they tend to want to stay on the ground. My Silkies don't even roost, they climb into a hay filled box and huddle in a pile. They have done that since they were babies. Our coop has a lower and upper level. We blocked off the upper level when we first merged the Silkies so they could be around the other chickens, but not where they could be harmed. Later we let them all out together. But they still keep to themselves a bit and always sleep "downstairs" in their box. They don't like our ramp for the upper part of the coop either. The rest of the time they roam out in the chicken yard, which is really just like a big fenced in area.

Sounds like your Silkies will be getting the spoiled treatment!
They are such sweet birds though, and this will give you room to expand your Silkie flock! How fun!
I got them saturday at a poultry show.I paid $40 for the trio.And no they don't roost at all.
Actually Fox I'm going to a chickenstock tomorrow and I hear there are going to be silkies there. Mine are white so maybe they will have a different color and then I'll have interesting babies in the spring.
I can't wait!
Well, I wouldn't expect them to interact much yet then. Maybe in the future you can merge them more, and still use your other coop for nesting Mom's and babies! I hope you find some beautiful Silkies at your chickenstock event Saturday! I would love to see what color babies you get!

I am wondering if my Marvel will throw a blue baby. His Dad was a white rooster and his Mom a Partridge with a blue gene. She threw a blue for the owner about the same time mine hatched. Marvel is white and has that blue showing through some, so... I don't know. I guess time will tell. I need to get another hen so I can have some more eggs for hatching in spring. I only have the one right now, but might have found another white hen I could get. Then I would have two white hens, 1 white rooster, 1 white with blue rooster and one Partridge rooster. Could get a variety with that I imagine. Silkies are so fun... it's fun to see what you get when they are hatching. I sure love mine and I know you will really enjoy yours! Let us know if you find something Saturday!

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