I have some questions about silkies

I just have to say...

I had four showgirls (that integrated and got along fine with my mixed flock). Three are now gone thanks to coons and my remaining showgirl has completely become on of the big girls. Not only has she worked her way to the top of the pecking order (of 19 large fowl and 4 bantams) but she also climbs ramps, and even perches on the top rung of the perch ladder which is four feet up. It gets below freezing here in Reno and gets above 100 in the summer. shes a trooper and never seems ill or out of sorts. shes also friendly as heck and lays for me. all in all id say that with proper integration techniques silkies are a-okay with any flock. (although yes, there are exceptions...all birds are different).
Yes, deep litter shavings would work, as would hay (although some say eating it can cause impacted crop so beware) and a crate would be ok too for them to go in as long as it was solid. They don't like roosting as someone else said, and a covered run is basically a must because they will stand outside and freeze in rain, sleet, or snow. They're adorable, but they do some silly things. I have to put mine in the coop every night. They'll go in there to lay eggs, but not to sleep at night. They pile up at the door and way for me to put them through it.
I put a dog house in my run that they sometimes go in, but it's important that the run be covered because they're just too silly to take shelter. They may or may not integrate with your existing flock and learn to roost and take shelter from them. Chances are the silkies will just stick with each other and ignore the others.

As for ventilation, do some research on that. There is big difference between drafts and ventilation and you'll want to learn the difference because drafts are bad. (If you can feel wind blowing in there on a windy day, that's a really bad draft and needs to be sealed.)
Thankyou all SO much you haved helped me alot! Ok, here's what I'm going to do and what my set-up is:

1: I am going to build a little platform in the corner of the hen house probably about 3 ft off the ground. And put soft bedding and such on it for them.

2: My run is not covered, I do put my hens in their house whenever it is raining etc. I live in Central Or, so we don't really get that much rain. Just snow. When it snows they just go play in the hayshed.

3: I am going to put a ramp leading in my coop so they will atleast have an easier way to get in.

4: I am going to quarintine them for 1 week, and then spend the next week merging them with my flock.

5; I am going to put them in the coop @ night.

6: I do not heat my coop. Is this a problem?

What do you think? Did I miss anything? Oh yes, they will probably be pecked a few times to establish the pecking order.... is that really bad? Will they die if that happens?

Thankyou all again! I really appreciate all the advice on how to make a happy, comfortable life for my silkies.

p.s. I am bringing them home tomorrow!!!
Silkies naturally have soft skulls..... and a huge topknot! other birds might get curious with their heads and peck them which of course causes injuries and possible death! I might cosider putting them with other bantams but NOT large fowl... just some info. I hope you enjoy your silkies cuz I LOVE mine!!!!!! Dont want you to have any bad experience

I don't heat my coop either and ut gets very cold. They just need to have a well insulated place to go free of drafts and they will cuddle. One peck on the head can do serious damage so introduce them when you have time to watch them a long time. Its a good idea to confine them where they can see but not touch each other for awhile. I hope all goes well for you!

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