I have to talk POLISH!

Oh, I see, the one I meant to say was a crossbred indeed is. Never noticed he's the five toed one.

I really don't know if you can fix the Silver Laced girls' lacing, honestly. With just searching for any Silver Laced male for them, chances are no, you won't improve the lacing. You gotta look for a really nice one, which is pretty darn rare.

The WCB male without the comb looks quite nice, but his tail hangs really low, and he appears pretty young. His crest is nice though, but those aren't the best photos to judge.

I live the white girl with the black leakage, but her color really isn't much to comment about. I'm sorry but I don't know what "exotic colors" the breeder was eyeing for.

Thanks Illia. You brought up one of my questions.....I know with breeding dogs we looked at them at a certain age to best guess how their confirmation would turn out because they change so much growing in the first year. So what age is the best to look at, in the first year to judge confirmation, or is there a good age with chickens.

Yes, sorry about the pictures, I was just catching them walking around me. The exotic colors, and I would have to give that specific question to the breeder, but my understanding was that they are into getting as many colors introduced at possible. She has one roo right now that has 9 different colors on him.

So on the flip side of trying to improve the lacing (and I did find a silver laced roo at a farm about a mile from me) but what would I get breeding her to say a WCB or a Black? Breed out the lacing.

Also, do you improve tail set just like I would look for improving tail set in my dogs or horses? Guess genetics is genetics?

Thank you everyone!
Well when you really want to be serious about it, you let them grow til you see some points you don't like.
If I had a Polish who seemed fine until 7-9 months old he just didn't get meaty/heavy enough for me, I'd cull him. But perhaps I had one who had a terrible crest, seen just at 3 months old, I'd cull it at that age too.

I don't mean to offend but it sounds like the breeder is just going for random "pretty colors" that don't breed true, and just want a colorful looking bird to sell with no other goal in mind.

Silver Laced x WCB - Not a good idea unless you're aiming for the same as the breeder, which is, whatever "mutt" colors you want. It takes some serious attention to detail to cross those two and get a true breeding color. Otherwise, you just get unrecognized colors, mostly Black with a white crest. Possible silver leakage in the males.

Breeding chickens is a little different from dogs or horses. Yes, genetics are genetics and tail angle is extremely important, but chickens can be worked on, bred, and improved in a much shorter time and you can hatch out a LOT and eat or sell what you want. With that in mind, you can pay attention to genetics better.

If I had a bird with a nice tail angle and one with a squirrel tail, I can breed them, then breed their offspring to what I choose, and see where it goes. I can hatch out hundreds of chicks and not worry too much, most can be sold or eaten.

With horses or dogs you don't get much out of a small amount of time, and you'd need to do a LOT of breeding to get what you want when fooling around/testing genetic carriage in one or both parents. In the end you'll need to have a lot of buyers or a lot of money to house all those offspring. And by then, people will criticize you for your breeding and the number of animals you have.

The nice thing about chickens is that it is okay to eat them.
I see....and with horses and dogs I knew the lines that would help with whatever I was trying to improve upon. Do chickens have such lines, or does everyone work within thier own flock but adding chickens they like?

It's funny, I hated fooling with multi color in dogs for fear of mismarking, loved working with dilutes in horses but haven't found my footing in chickens yet. Taking in all the information.
Hello all. Can you guys please give me your opinions on this tolbunt rooster? I am adding him to my flock this week, and would like to know what everyone thinks of him....to help me decide how best to use him in my breeding program. It is the only picture I have of him as of yet. Thanks.

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White Crested is the last thing I'd use with him, seeing that white in his crest.

Personally I'd do Gold Laced if I had no other "Creles." You can't make a true Crele Polish because there's no duckwings (e+) in Polish but you can get somewhat close if you mess around with Gold Laced birds and their genetics.

DancingHen - So I'm curious, you have Tolbunt girls, and now this handsome fella, who's from what breeder/lines? I'm gonna go on a limb and guess he's from Green Acres/Lucinda? That or Greenfire. Just a guess.
White Crested is the last thing I'd use with him, seeing that white in his crest.

Personally I'd do Gold Laced if I had no other "Creles." You can't make a true Crele Polish because there's no duckwings (e+) in Polish but you can get somewhat close if you mess around with Gold Laced birds and their genetics.

DancingHen - So I'm curious, you have Tolbunt girls, and now this handsome fella, who's from what breeder/lines? I'm gonna go on a limb and guess he's from Green Acres/Lucinda? That or Greenfire. Just a guess.

i have cuckoo hen that out creale
why wouldnt u try going for white cresteds he has mostly white crest
i also have solid black birds
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That's why, which is why I wouldn't.
You're trying to breed for CRELE not White Crested colored Barred or White Crested Crele.

A Cuckoo bird would just breed out any of the color, and thus you just have White Crested Cuckoos or Self-Cuckoos with recessive leakage popping up all the time. Solid black would do the same thing, but also dull out the barring too.

So it's up to you.
Do you want to breed for (as close as you can get to) Creles, or something else?
That's why, which is why I wouldn't.
You're trying to breed for CRELE not White Crested colored Barred or White Crested Crele.

A Cuckoo bird would just breed out any of the color, and thus you just have White Crested Cuckoos or Self-Cuckoos with recessive leakage popping up all the time. Solid black would do the same thing, but also dull out the barring too.

So it's up to you.
Do you want to breed for (as close as you can get to) Creles, or something else?

as closeto creles as i can but there nothing wrong with white crested creles is there witch what i show him as

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