I have what probably is a dumb question about flying


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 5, 2007
I have been interested in turkeys for a few years and am researching as much as possible. If you wanted to have a flock (anywhere from 8 to 15 birds) and you want them to free range, well here goes my dumb question.... don't they fly to protect from predators and how do you keep them from flying away? I know they fly up to roost... do they not fly far, just up into the trees? I would want them to have a big area not a penned area...
Some breeds of Turkeys can fly better then others, but even the best flyers only fly short distances like quail. Just like any other domesticated animal they will stay around, not because they can't get away, but because they are creatures of habit and they know where they get food and where they sleep.
and if you have hens, you can wait until they become broody, replace there eggs with turkey ones and then they will be raised as chicken as posible. this will mean they are less likly to fly and more likly to roost in at night! good luck

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