I just about wet myself laughing.


13 Years
Sep 28, 2010
Farmington, NM
I went to see a few coops today on a coop tour.
One of the stops had these for sale: Just for perspective this is the smallest garbage can on wheels I have ever seen.
The "run" is about 36" long x 16".
"This is good for 2 chickens." they told me.
$160.00 US
No different than these stupid way overly priced " green eco" coops they sell all made from plastic..we went on the coop tour here a few months ago and we walked in, saw this great looking plastic coop..she has 3 chickens..price of this plastic coop? $1200. Seems to me $160 sounds mighty darn fair now!
Holy moley! If that's the going price for THAT, I can't wait to see what I can get for my brooder! You all know that saying, "There's a sucker born...."


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