I just bought 12 chickens and I'd like to know what they are


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 8, 2013
I'm hoping that I didn't just buy 12 roosters. I know at least one is a hen since I got an egg today. But if you could help that would be greatly appreciated. I believe them to be around the 3 mth age. Though one is 6 mths

When I bought them the boys thought there was one roo. But this was their first time hatching out chicks and so they couldn't be certain. Would you know what breed they are? They said bantams, but I looked in my local hatchery catalogue and I'm wondering if they are danish leghorns? But I have no clue. They are so little compared to my 3 ISA browns
I see three but not 100% on the tall black one in first picture.
The male on the left end and the tallest one on the right with the red comb and large wattle.
In the middle picture the two black ones with white earlobes look like Black Minorcas. the brown one to the left of them and left side of the picture does resemble either a danish or brown leghorn. the other ones may be Seramas? Good looking group!
Thank you for the help.

Rats, I was really hoping there'd only be 1 roo. Not quite sure what to do with that many roo's These taste good?

At what age roughly will I be able to know for sure?

So on the 2nd picture the roos would be the first 2 on the left and the big on the right side with the tail to the camera?
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Thank you for the help.

Rats, I was really hoping there'd only be 1 roo. Not quite sure what to do with that many roo's These taste good?

At what age roughly will I be able to know for sure?

So on the 2nd picture the roos would be the first 2 on the left and the big on the right side with the tail to the camera?
Now that I am paying better attention the one on the left looks like a mature hen. I see no saddle feathers.
The black one is young so can't say 100% and the one on the right is the rooster. But having two should be no problem the black one will more then likly hang out with those black pullets.
So you might just have 2 roosters but 100% on the one on the right.
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