I just candled my eggs, quitter picture. (Graphic Photo)

that is a cool picture, I never thought of taking pictures when I was looking at bad eggs.
, that might have been closer to day 8 or 9... I'm sorry they quit on you... but what a cool picture!
well are u sure your thermometer is correct then? b/c i ruined my whole batch not to long ago b/c my thermometer was off bye more then 5 degrees i ended up opening them and they all looked pretty much like yours does.
I'm going to say the chick is day 6. And reason for death is developmental. The tail on the little guy is not proportioned right with the body, so I suspect other things are wrong with it's body plan inside. Nothing you could do about it.
Yes I am pretty sure the temps are correct. I use a calibrated 12" mercury thermometer in a homemade water wiggler.

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