I just cant get it right.


In the Brooder
11 Years
Nov 15, 2008
This whole incubation thing is not working for me. I have been very diligent about the temp and humidity. The last batch I stopped turning did not hatch and I did the eggopersy and they were all completely formed but they did not break their air sack. Any suggestions????? Please I just cant get this to work.
Maybe it's the eggs?
I'm really bad at it too. I gave up.

People said that my problem might have been humidity levels. 40% throughout, 75% - 80% last 3 days.

I have resorted to nature's way - broody hens do a great job and I don't need to do anything except keep them separated and well fed. This is my second year of using hens rather than me. Last year she hatched 6 out of 8 and this year I've got 2 broodies sitting on 14 eggs. 2 eggs rolled out and one broke. I put the other one back under one of them.

Good luck
I have a couple of good broodies, I just kind of wanted to do it myself. My broodies are chickens but what I am hatching are pheasant and quail can the chicken sit them? My pheasant and quail hens wont sit.
do you have a hygrometer to tell you the humidity? I have tried the incubation thing twice and not much success.....now I am trying it the 3rd.time and I got a hygrometer and come to find out I have been adding water each time it gets low and now with the hygrometer I see that the humidity is up and I hardly have any water in there. the temp. was stable so I tought that is that, so I am NOT giving up...I will not....Others are successful so I will be too...just hang in there, try different eggs..are you sure they are fertile??
I do have a hygro, it is a combination with the temp. I have about six different ones and I can only get about half to read the same thing and those are the ones that I have been using. I know the eggs are fertile, they candle well and when I do open them up there are chicks that are formed with feathers, they just dont hatch and die in the shell. Thanks for all the help, I will keep trying.
I'd say if they get to the hatching point, it's a humidity problem the last 3 days. That's when it's critical, too. IF it isn't right, they either drown or shrinkwrap.
So, when you opened the failures, were they shrinkwrapped? If that membrane wasn't dry (white) from low humidity, then likely they drowned from too high humidity.
Try it again!
We just tried again after a complete failure. Second time we got 50% hatch.
I personally don't think the exact percentage is needed, but within a few % of the ideal.
Yes, if you have some good broody hens they can do a wonderful job! I just posted a HELP post in the pheasants section. I have yellow golden pheasants laying but not setting. I successfully used broody hens to hatch them and peafowl out last year. I had a less than desirable hatch from artificial incubation and I have decided not to pursue that with pheasant eggs again. Right now I have about 20 pheasant eggs and wouldn't you just know it, my silkie hens are not inclined to be broody right now except for one black hen that is currently setting 2 peafowl eggs. I don't know what to do either! If I were you and had some broody hens, I would definitely be utilizing their services!!
Me? I only have the el-cheapo foam Hovabator with egg turner, no fan. I don't want to purchase another incubator, I know there are some out there that do a respectable job. Too much work for me. Last summer, I had over 100 chicks, 3 different ages, in 3 different brooders in my basement and it was real work! I am just used to my broodies doing the job for me...

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