I just got my eggs!! How long do I let them sit??


10 Years
Feb 8, 2009
Northern, Illinois
I just got my eggs in the mail about an hour ago! Im so excited, and nervous!! This is my first hatch! Extras were sent so I got 18 rather than 12! That was so nice of him! One was cracked so I opened it, and it was fertile. So sad. I was wondering how long do I let the eggs sit before putting them into the incubator? I read somewhere 12-24 hours?? That seems like forever!
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be sure they are pointy-end down!

also, i don't know if it's a good idea but i let mine wait for like 8 hours. didn't seem to effect the hatch rate. congrats on getting your eggs! ONLY ONE BROKE??? with mine i usually get at least 4 broken ones. i ordered 40 coturnix eggs and got 13 broken ones... i guess it's all in who you get it from, but it's to be expected. in my opinion, thats why they send extras.
I thought that they were all not broken until I got to the last three. It wasnt broken but dented in, and couldnt be saved. The cup hatching method came to mind (I just saw this on Youtube Tuesday) but this is my first hatch and it will be hard enough as is. I just had to let him go, it was so hard to do. My niece flushed it for me.

Katty, hows that one Quail that you named on the webcam hatch? I cant remember his name, "Thorgmorg" was it? lol. I wonder how my Lil Peep is doing?!
CUP hatching method?? i will go look it up! sounds interesting!

it was either Trugdor the Burninator or Snodroculon XD those two will grow to be CHAMPS i tell you!
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Yes the kid on youtubes name is something like "Survivorman". He took a plastic cup, cracked open an egg, added water for moisture, put Vaseline around the top of the cup, and then plastic wrap. The Vaseline is supposed to stop any air from getting in. The chick actually lived up to day 13, or 16. You can see everything as if looking into a clear egg shell.
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i just saw it. WEIRD! how would you go about turning the darn thing?

very educational experience i imagine. i wouldn't do it, i just eat the eggs that don't survive the trip. i mean the lightly cracked ones, not the horrible broken ones.
I haven't done it myself yet, but I've read on BYC from several members that when they have a cracked egg in a batch of shipped hatching eggs, they drip candle wax on the crack to seal it, and often the egg hatches successfully. It's certainly worth a try, and more likely to yield a live chick than trying to incubate in a cup.

I let mine rest undisturbed, in a carton, small end down, for 24-48 hours before I put them in the 'bator.

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