i just had to do it.. american idol anyone?


artistic fowlism
16 Years
Mar 28, 2008
Yamhill County, Oregon
soooo anyone here watch american idol... apperantly my neighborhood and friends dont, so i want to see who has ! and your thoughts on this years season 8 !
I watch it and LOVE IT...

I'm rooting for Danny Gokey and I'm sick his friend was kicked off. So tell me what you think about them keeping the crazy girl?
I can already make a prediction that Norman will be sticking around for quite some time.

Let's face it, it's not about talent anymore. It's about what makes America happy.

Otherwise, I was really rooting for Rose. I wanted her to make it through so badly! It's sad. My favorites never make it. I wonder what that says about me?
i am angery that the two best friends didnt make it threw
the guy with the wierd cheek piercing on his face ) that upset me ! ugh.. and i dislike the tatiana girl ... she is very very very annoying.. i also noticed that they did alot of "womanizeing" this year.. like " go with the hotter one" and the bikini girl bimbo thing
I love American Idol. I try to watch every show, but I work a lot of nights and miss it by an hour

You will have to keep me updated

I love the show. Can't stand Tatiana. Her last vocal was really good. But there's no way she will be tolerated in the industry. She is a whack job and a half.
I love Idol!!!! But I hate Tatiana. I was sick last night that they let her through. Her laugh drives me nuts. Speaking of nuts, I think that's the only thing they are showing right now. The good ones aren't getting any air time. I liked Stevie in her audition but haven't seen her since. Thank God they got rid of bikini girl early. Hated her too.

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