I know this is a pullet, but what is she?


Veggie Chick
13 Years
Mar 22, 2010
Saratoga County, NY
This very sweet pullet is 20 weeks old - she laid a tiny dark brown egg today so I'm 100% sure she's a she.. but is she an 'anything' or just a mix? Slightly feathered legs with a black wash and smaller than the rest of my LF chickens, but too big to be a banty. I had a pic of her on another topic waaaay back when we were trying to guess gender and some people thought maybe a langshan? What think you now that she's older? She was from a mystery egg.

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I'll check the feet more closely when I go out there, but I think they are pale yellow with black down the front. She's a sweetheart - If it was a naughty cochin boy and an australorpe, wonder if it was a bantam cochin being EXTRA naughty
. She's smaller than my smallest chickens, but definitely well above bantam size.

My cochin roo is 3x her size - but he seems to be managing ok, saw the bullseye on her little pullet egg today.
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