I love my baby chicks!! And a few questions...


13 Years
Mar 29, 2009
Coastal Southern California
Just had to shout it out someplace where I won't be thought completely crazy, or at least where the other lunatics run the asylum along with me....

I just
my four little chicks!! They're a week old now, sprouting tail feathers and doing so well
hopefully we're past the Pasty Butt scare and healthy from here on.

They recognize my voice now and they like to eat out of my hand. Two of them will even hop onto my arm.

I totally understand that for many people, treating them like pets sounds ridiculous, but I do think they'll be more fun to have around if they're somewhat tame.

How soon can I take them outside for short periods of time? Weather here is in the high 60's.

They loved the yogurt mixed in with their food during the Pasty Butt siege. Is it okay to give it to them on a regular basis? Any other foods they can have soon without disrupting nutritional balance?

Here's my Light Brahma with her brand new tail feathers. Isn't she cute?

Oh yes that is acceptable here as we are all a little chicken crazy! We all love ours as well so you're in the right place! Oh she is a sweetie pie alright and I think they are going to be some really really spoiled chickens!!!
What a cutie pie! You can take them out, just stay with them. If they huddle up together and peep loudly, bring them back in! If they're happily pecking and scratching and peeping happily, then they're good! I'd make some sort of enclosure so they're not just all over the yard, you'd be surprised how fast they can get away!

Have fun!
I agree with above posts. Thanks for the pic, my lt. brahama's are almost grown now and it's hard to believe they were ever that cute.
What a doll!!! I agree with the other posts. Keep the treats to a minimum so not to upset them. My baby chicks love washed, chopped dandelion leaves. Make sure they are pesticide and fertilizer free. I'm sure you already know that. Make sure they have chick grit. Dandelions are one of the worlds most complete foods. Best of luck with the little ones. They are so much fun.

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