I Love My Chickens!!!

I love mine, too! They really are so entertaining and they each have such distinct personalities!

We are now talking about about building another little coop as my daughter wants her "own" chickens! The coop pages are so fun to look at!

I wonder what breeds we will look into....!
I too confess. I love my chickens. They are so entertaining, much better than tv. I do admit there are times they are just a wee bit to much. Like when then come and peck on my kitchen door because they hear me in the kitchen and I'm just not moving fast enough for them. Too funny, they have so trained. BEST thing I ever decided to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Raise Chickens
Mine have been a joy so far!
They are funny and sweet, with such distinct little personalities. My teen son kept teasing/tormenting me when we first got them, saying we should call them names like Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. But now even he sits out in the run watching them sometimes, making comments about how this one is such a pig, and that one looks like a hawk. My DH took a router to their roost the other day, saying "They don't like those sharp edges (they weren't sharp; I had sanded them)." They're young, and haven't been using the roosts much. So he goes out each night and places them up on the roosts...lol. We love them!
Love the stories! Most of all when your loved ones who give you a hard time about them, suddenly do things like put them up on the roost at night:D Or let them out after work because he got home early, and knew you wouldn't be home until after it got dark. So he also did a head count and locked them up tight for the night.

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