I made it out of TSC without chicks!


Jan 28, 2011
Easternshore of Maryland
I went there this morning for chick feed and they did have chicks in. They only had Gold Laced Wyandottes (st run), my kids begged and pleaded. I was victorious, left with no chicks!!! And I went straight home and ordered more chicks from Ideal. I really wanted bantams and TSC didn't know if they would get any in any time soon so.... Next week I have 6 feather footed bantams coming! Hoping at least one will be a silkie! Hubby doesn't know yet, hopefully I can just squeeze them in, they are small
You sound like me....I went in everyday last week, and when they did come I have to refuse to buy them. It was so hard but I am holding out for the silkie chicks as well this year also.

Good job on making it out with out some.
You should be so proud! I did the same thing this past weekend! I did not buy chicks from TSC and it felt great......I've got eggs in the incubator, and hubby wanted a certain breed........I do not need to buy them......I do not need to buy them......

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