I miss my girls!!


15 Years
Apr 4, 2008
Tucson AZ
Our city is somewhat chicken friendly, as long as no one complains, they don't enforce the city codes on fowl/poultry housing.

I had my coop since 2008...



But... in July, someone, not any of my near neighbors, complained about my coop! We are pretty sure it was the HOA of the Condos next door to us. But the coop was on the other side of the yard from the condos.

What was really sad is I not only had to get rid of my hens, I had to dismantle the coop!!
That is something I don't understand. And the city can fine us $100.00 a day for non-compliance to the code!!

We took the coop apart carefully, and maybe someday I will be able to have chickens again if the city changes the codes.

I am just plain sad
You should appeal it.
I think the OP should, too! She mentioned that the condos HOA regs are situated behind her property and thus have nothing to do with her property at all.

I say "go for the jugular" and fight this!! I really really think you'll win!

Keep us updated for sure!
The worst they could tell you is no. I'm dealing with a similar issue, the ordinance enforcement officer said as long as I am actively trying to get the ordinance changed, I can keep my chickens.
Gosh, I'm SO sorry you had to go through that. Have you thought of going to the City Council and appealing the ruling?

At the moment, we have some real chicken haters that attend the city council meetings. I haven't been to one, but know people who attend. The current codes say "housing for fowl must be 50 feet from the nearest neighbors residence. Well, given most of our lots in this subdivision are 50 to 60 feet wide, that makes it next to impossible to build any structure that is 50 feet from the residence of another neighbor.

Many are trying to get the city to change the codes. But, so far no luck. Though, many people go ahead and bank on their neighbors not complaining. Though this ordeal, I met lots of "underground" chicken keepers. Even people who have goats and roosters in a local condo complex. But, in that person's case, he has neighbors that love the animals.

I do hope and pray soon the city council will see fit to change the codes. They are considering a code where you could have a coop, less than 6ft tall, no more than 12sq ft. and it could be located 10ft from your own fence, and the "corral area" could butt up to the fence. That would be much better. That means a pretty small coop.
I am sorry this happened to you, and I am hoping that this does not happen to me. My HOA has in its covenants that we cannot have chickens. But the board has for many years said that they would not fine anyone with them. Mostly because alot of people want it changed, but we would need 100% to do so. Anyway, this spring we finally got some chickens (yah!) and last month we were informed in our newsletter that the rule is now going to be enforced
Our direct neighbors have no trouble with our chickens (their dogs are more trouble) so we are just going to try to stay underground. Of course now is when our first chicken is laying and has a very loud egg song. Good luck with getting your chickens back!

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