I must stop...

As I look fondly at the 31 newly hatched chicks in the brooder and await the next couple zipping in the incubators, I must reiterate what others have already said: There is no cure.

Chickens have replaced all of my expensive habits but one - I still smoke. Perhaps I'll quit that habit when I retire from work.... and I won't have to remember to put my butts in appropriate receptacles. My dominant rooster once brought me an old cigarette butt as a "treat" - trying to seduce me like one of his hens. He found out I didn't care for the twigs, leaves and pretty pebbles he'd tried over the past two years.
Oh my, I wish I could have a roo like that someday...SIGH...

To the OP, you must get all the chicks that you possibly can for those of us who cannot have chickens of our own right now. See, you get to have the chicks that I otherwise would get!
Why is it so addicting ! I have 8 Lavender orps in a brooder that are 4 weeks old. about a week later I got 5 silkies about the same size and added to them. I already had 6 9week olds with there momma. Besides the grown chickens 2 buff orp roos, 2 buff orp hens, 1 RIR hen, 2 sexlinked hens, 2 Ameracaunas, 2 Austrlorp hens, I think I have 30. Love and addicted to them all. Next weeks plans are to get about 10-12 Marans(bcm, blue copper, and cucko marans) So eggcited. Have spent hours trying to figure out where to put them. But I am really excited,, The chicken math takes over you !!
Haha guys! I'm not sure why it is. And here I'm about to get my incubator all up and running...
Oh well, like many of you said, guess there could be worse addictions. Hehe
Don't try to fight it..there's no known cure. We started off with just 6 birds...up to 21 now....I think

We also have 6 6wk olds, 2 slw 2 ba 1 dark brahma 1 rir and 5 mutts in the bator to hatch on the 17th.
Good luck with the new ones
Just yesterday I was discussing all my hobbies with my husband. He said, "at least the chickens aren't very expensive". I have frogs in my collection that were $500+.
And you can't really eat a half inch frog.

Another time, DH had acquired a chip on his shoulder when a brooder appeared in the garage with chicks in it (he thought we had enough chickens, silly man.) After walking around in a huff, he asked accusingly, "How much did those chickens cost?" I replied, "A dollar each (straight runs) so that's $12 total, How many game cameras do we own?" The answer is somewhere around eight at $150 +/- each. He walked away. My poor husband.....

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