I must've agreed the chicken gods.

I'm not sure I would buy from that store again if they have no idea what they have. There are only five, 5-toed breeds and those are hard to mix up. I suppose the hatchery could have made a substitution, who knows. 

Don't hold their current skittishness against them if they do turn out to be pullets. Personally I don't handle chicks but my kids try. They go through what I call the "popcorn stage" where you can't even get close to them without them bouncing around like popcorn popping. That does change as they get older and realize you aren't out to eat them.

Well, the main guy was busy so it was one of the other fellas who didn't seem 100% knowledgable. Oh well. How do these typically feather out...hen vs roo, I mean?
Unfortunately I can't help much there. I've had many different breeds over the years, but never Brahmas. So I don't feel I can offer an informed answer. In general pullets of all breeds feather out more quickly than cockerels, but then Brahmas are slow to develop.
Bah! What a let down... No wonder why they haven't looked too much like Salmons I've seen online.

Thanks for the info.

Would you like a cockerel? I seem to have a surplus! :D

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