I need a name for a female boxer(pic)

My brindle boxer mix is named Tiger Lily and I call her Lily. I routinely remind her that she is a delicate flower of a dog and should behave as such. It doesn't seem to make much difference.
Aww I am jealous. We are getting a boxer puppy this summer...we want a fawm male and as for names? how about a female boxers name, Layla
We had a boxer years ago. It was a wonderful dog. She was a good watch dog, and folks that didn't know her were intimidated by her until they found out she was nothing more than a big baby, and wouldn't bite anyone...her name was Jill, and we still miss her.

My parents had a Boston Terrier named 'Hoover' and that dog lived up to his name....HE ATE EVERYTHING!!!
That name was sooo cute for a dog!!
(he got hit by their neighbor last year, poor baby, killed him instantly)
Looking at her expression - I'd say she is smart, always thinking, and a bit of an imp. The first name that came to my mind? TROUBLE!

Really a beautiful pup. Sadie and Abby come to mind next.


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