I need a quick answer please!


In the Brooder
12 Years
Feb 16, 2007
Cathlamet, WA
I just had my very first ever chick hatch!! Perfect timing - I have to leave for work in 15 minutes!!! The humidity shot up to 75% - do I leave the red vent plug out or in? Is 75 too high? I won't be back for 5 hours. If I leave the plug out will the humidity drop too much in 5 hours? If I leave it in will the humidity be too high? Help!!
When that happens, I usually take out one plug then cover the hole about halfway, so a little moisture can get out. With babies hatching the humidity is unlikely to go down very much. But, I never have to leave during a hatch, either. I leave humidity at 65-70% for hatching.
Thanks so much!! I think I will cover the hole part way and hope for the best. This is only day 20, so it seems early for a hatch
I have 3 more that are pipped, but I don't think they will hatch before 5 hours - but who knows? This is too fun!!

My poor kids missed it, though. When they left for the school bus there was just a tiny hole, but they got to see the beak poke out once. I hope no more hatch until after school and work! Thanks for the quick answer!!!
Oh no! Another one is starting!! I have to go - well, I had to go 5 minutes ago!!

Wait.... maybe I have a fever. Oh, and a cough, too. cough cough

Ok, I gotta go.
We have 3 babies!!!! My kids will be so excited to see them, but so disappointed that they missed the action! There is another egg with a very small pip and not much happening from the others yet - but it's only day 20...

Now, I am supposed to keep the little guys in there until the whole hatch is done, right? They sure are knocking the other eggs around...

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