I need advice


6 Years
Aug 28, 2013
Limestone, TN
Still a newbie here so I've been reading all the threads and posting pics everywhere...asking questions and such. During all this, with the help of peeps here, I realized that 2 of my orps are boys. That leaves me with 3 red hens, 1 leghorn hen, 1 buff orp hen and 3 roosters. I don't know what to do. This is my first flock and we're still getting to know each other and now there's all this added stress of 2 new roosters. My Leghorn, Diego, is a good rooster. He gets agressive with my hubby and daughter, which is why the flock is mine now, but I can usually handle him. He's tried to come at me a couple of times, but I always carry my rake in the run and if I can keep him off me till I can grab it, as soon as I start raking the dirt he calms right down. I don't know why but they all love when I rake their yard. They follow the rake around ( I have to be careful not to get any toes) scratching and pecking and when I'm done they all take a dust bath. That's another thing. Diego hasn't been rolling in the dirt with the others after I rake in about 2 days...he's constantly nervous and on edge. One of the boy has been going after the hens and it drives him crazy.
What do I do with extra roosters? How do I choose? Yeah Diego can be a pain, but he's also good with the hens and watches out for them. The new boys follow me around and are rather like big shaggy dogs so they'd be easier to handle, but would they be as good with guarding and with caring for the girls? I know there's not enough hens to go around and things are only gonna get worse if I do nothing.


This is my flock

I would get rid of all three roosters if those are your daughters in the picture. Small children and roosters do not make a good fit, especially one that is aggressive and can cause serious injury to people, especially children.

But also you will get much better flock dynamics with a flock of 10-12 girls and a roo. If you don't have space for that, I would really just wait on getting and keeping a rooster later on. All hen flocks are often time quite a bit happier, and more friendly to people. Roosters often keep their hens away from people, and attack anyone handling his girls. A flock of 5 hens will give you quite a few eggs, and a little experience handling chickens.

When you are first getting started in chickens, it is not a bad choice to just keep the hens.

Mrs K
One of the girls is my grandaughter, the other is her bff. Neither go in the run, but my grandaughter likes to help with everything, whether it's gardening, baking or anything else Mamaw is doing. My space at the moment is limited but we are clearing an area for more space for them to range. I can't allow them to free range because they might get into my neighbor's garden. I would like to have more chickens eventually as we're trying to be more self sustaining. I know I prolly sound silly to yall who've been doing this for years, but I really would like my grandaughter to grow up as natural as possible, especially now that we're retired and have the time, if not always the money, to devote new ventures.
I am not trying to sound cruel, but chicken and dumplings is a good idea. I had a few surprise roosters that I tried to give a chance, when it got to the point that they wouldn't learn and tried to be aggressive with me they had to go in the stew pot. I started my youngest at 3yr old with chickens and taught him what we would have to do with extra roosters that tried to cause problems in the flock. At 4yr old we had to make food out of one of the roosters, and he completely understood. He even helped me pluck. We were left with 3 roosters and 10 hens and the flock is peaceful.
Yes you can and best prepared and cooked slowwly! I will rest mine in the fridge for three days and then off to the crock pot. Seasoned to eat from there or as the previous poster stated Rooster and Dumplings.
Yes, and very tasty. If he is over 10 months I suggest a pressure cooker (5 weight for 20 min) or low simmer (1 1/2hours), not boil. Boiling them after 10 months will be worse than shoe leather. Don't feel bad, when I first started on this site I didn't know you don't need a rooster to get eggs.
We eat a lot of chicken, which is why my husband wanted to raise chickens in the first place...because we were worried about all the steroids and hormones they put in food these days, and I make chicken and dumplings all the time. We almost lost my Maddy when she was little and we are probably way way over protective of her, but I'd much rather her eat and live as naturally as possible. While having as much fun as possible. Just this year we have learned how to make jelly, tortillas, grow our own veggies (there were a few casualties there...I can't seem to grow broccolli)and are learning how to can.
Here you go, our canning chicken thread.


I just started broilers for the first time for my meat supply. It is a little freaky how quickly they grow compared to normal, but I can't wait for more home grown meat. I got the slow growers, 8 weeks to process full sized. They also have the normal cornish that only take 6 weeks to process. They are breed with different breeds to grow bigger quicker. If you guys look into it for your meat supply be fare warned, they poop much more than my entire coop combined. They are worth it if you have the time to put into it and they are pretty cheap.

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