I need advise on how to pull this off

Apr 17, 2022
I have 5 chicks and a mama hen she is great mom but I had 6 eggs and one of them hatched late 5 days after 4 or the chicks and two days after a chick.
Mama hen abandon the egg and didn’t care for sitting on it so I hatched it inside my house with a heating pad.

The chick is doing great but how do i put it back to the hen?
My plan is to wait until late at night and then sneak it under her.
or take another chick that she already has under her and then put them together under her so the hen is expecting me to put one back under her but instead I put two chicks under her
I need advise on how to do this the best way😊
Hens generally imprint on their chicks within the first day or so. Some hens on the other hand willingly foster chicks. Monitor closely as she may attack the chick.
I will, I’m gonna put it under her tonight and wait and see and hope for the best, the chick did start to hatch under her so it has also heard it’s pip. I’m hoping she didn’t mind another chick joining under her belly🤞🏻🤞🏻

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