I need an unbiased opinion.

Well according to my recent legal studies class.. you aren't obligated to pay anything... you guys never had an agreement stating that you would pay him or take money off his rent for boarding up the house and cleaning up the trees, there was no meeting of the minds, exchange of contract, or verbal agreement...
I think, if you have to ask yourself, or anyone else, if you are doing the right thing...then you already know the answer. I think I would value a tenant who had the salt to protect my property and clean up the trees. Like they said, he could have left that for you to do and you probably had enough worry on your hands from the hurricane aftermath the way it is.

My opinion? If this has been a good rentor:

1. Reimburse for half the expense of boarding up the windows on the condition he leaves the plywood on the premises for future storm use~ provided he has a receipt for the purchase.

2. Reimburse for the full amount on the clean up of the trees. I know this was all unsolicited, but I'm sure he didn't look at those trees and think, "Well, I'm going to clean these up and hope to get some money out of the landlord for it." There could have been numerous reasons they didn't get in touch with you before they did this work.

In the future, have a more definitive lease agreement about damages, repairs and acts of God.
I think that I have to agree with Beekissed on this one. While you may not have asked that the work be done, it was done with the best of intentions. I would rather a tenant try to help me than sit there waiting for me to do everything. Of course this is just an Old Rooster's opinion.

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