We had Isa Browns: Ginger, Honey and Mustard o(nly Ginger left...6 years old - retired) Roosters appear easier to name...after observing personalities: Silver Boy, Duke (and Duchess)
Luigi (Spanish) Fluffy Bums (Chinese Pekins) . Bantam: Chad (Country and Western singer here) son of Chad. Best Rooster (husband and father) Roger (as in Federer) and Son of Roger.

Runner Duck (lover boy type) Valentino. Huge Emden Gander Sgt Schultz...marches his ladies up and down the verandah ramp!
Watch them, then name them...enjoy! Greetings from Australia.

Was that Sgt. Schultz from Hogan's Heroes? If so, it's *perfect*.
Heyyy I'l try to help!
Idont mean to be annoying but as a native spanish speaker I must say first of all since Hens are female I would call her "hermosa" instead of hermoso because the second one is for males. Paco is also a males', name or nickname, usually used for guys who are called Francisco. No idea it could mean free, don't really think so but maybe as slang in some spanish speaking countries, But if you're ok with them having guys names go right ahead!!!! :)
I personally like really old Ladies names, think of what your great grandma and Her mom where called, hahahah. I'll give you the names of mine, you can use them if you like them off course. THey're in spanish:

Clotilde, (a favorite for hens, dunno exactly why when people hear it they say, it's perfect!) small variation: Clota
Elvira (pronounce it as in spanish : El-vee-rah ;) that would make it cooler and less like that scary/sexy girl from tv)
Teo (short for Teodosia great great great grandmas name lol)

Hope this helps!!! good luck with your new flock!!!

Thanks for the explanation. I was confused about the Paco thing because my friend's husband's name is Francisco, and they call him Paco and Pancho, and I thought it was sort of a nickname for the name - like Frank is for Francis or Jim is for James in English. Glad to hear I wasn't off my nut.

Are there any girls color names in Spanish? I named my last flock by their band colors....
Chickens who have named themselves:

Big Bird - A Black Star who was the dominant chick in the brooder.

Bird On Hand - A Black Star who as a chick would jump on your finger for a hand ride around the room, and who as an adult likes to climb up on wrists for rides around the yard.

Clementine - A Barred Rock who shortly after being moved to the coop dug out a very deep pit for her dust bath spa; the pit was so deep that she couldn't be seen, unless she rolled over on her back and stuck her feet straight up - at which time all that one could see was a pair of huge Barred Rock feet.

Lolita - A Barred Rock who was very early to mature, and would squat so fast her feet would leave the ground and she would land on her tummy with a thump; named after the title character in the Nabokov novel of the same name.

Scruffy - An alleged Black Star who matured into what certainly weighed as much as, looked like, behaved like, and laid like a hatchery version of a Black Copper Marans - rangy, and awkward looking compared to the compact neatness of American class birds she was with and called Scruffles as an affectionate term.
Three rooster names we thought of are Rooster Cogburn, Kung Fu (he is a cochin, a Chinese breed), and Sasquatch (he has the biggest feathers on his feet). We have Paris, a French breed. We have LC for last call since she is the last one in the coop at night. We have Lucy, for Lucille Ball since she has a red head. We have Aimee (French for friend) since she was the friendliest at first. Louise and Cluck were named for the explorers Louis and Clark since they are always going to places the others don't wander to. India is an Indian breed. We have Cairo, an Egyptian breed. Aren't you sorry you asked?

Peggy Neaves
Brookesmith, Texas
My hens are named: ChiChi, LuLu, CoCo, and ZsaZsa. (Used to have a rhode island red named Clay.)

The first two were named by the little girls across the street -- their mom gave me the chickens.

The next two I named that way to keep with the goofy pattern.

If you like Audrey Hepburn, why not name them after actresses from the 1950s? so, Audrey (Hepburn), Lucille (Ball), Sophia (Loren), Grace (Kelly), Rita (Hayworth), Doris (Day), Sandra (Dee), Brigitte (Bardot), Judy (Garland), Marilyn (Monroe).

If you have roosters -- Cary (Grant), Marlon (Brando), Frank (Sinatra).

LOL, how about Gregory Pecks??
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Here's a list of my girl's names.

Big Red
Big Country
Sweet Pea
Fly Girl
9 toes
& Lucy
Tried to name most by their attributes~ i.e. Lucy is a black and red sex-link with a brilliant red head and 9 toes was born with no talons on her middle toes. Should have named Flygirl Blabbermouth instead.
My hens are named:  ChiChi, LuLu, CoCo, and ZsaZsa.  (Used to have a rhode island red named Clay.)

The first two were named by the little girls across the street -- their mom gave me the chickens.

The next two I named that way to keep with the goofy pattern.

If you like Audrey Hepburn, why not name them after actresses from the 1950s?  so, Audrey (Hepburn), Lucille (Ball), Sophia (Loren), Grace (Kelly), Rita (Hayworth), Doris (Day), Sandra (Dee), Brigitte (Bardot), Judy (Garland), Marilyn (Monroe).

If you have roosters -- Cary (Grant), Marlon (Brando), Frank (Sinatra).

LOL, how about Gregory Pecks??

Ha! Gregory Pecks! Perfect. I may have to buy another rooster just so I can use that!

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