I need help ASAP! My hen Snuggie is sick!


Flap Your Wings!
7 Years
Jan 9, 2013
Saving Battery Hens at Happy Hen Chicken Rescue in
My Coop
My Coop
HELP! My hen Snuggie is sick!
She is a Rhode Island Red. She has a poopy but. I found her tonight sleeping ontop of the nesting boxes not on the perch. I love her soooo much please help! She is walking a little. She ways 7.2 pounds. I dont know her age. I am freaking out because the last time my hen was sick she died. I am going to treat her for mites and I always have apple cider vineger in her water. her abdomen feels full, rounded and firm. She seems kinda stressed out. I willl take ANY advice. My first thought was is she egg bound? What do u think of that though? I really need help. PLEASE reply ASAP! I would be so sad if she died.
Thanks soooo much,
do you see signs of mites?
is her crop full as it usually is when they go to bed?
any other signs and symptoms?
Comb and wattles dark red or pale?

how old is she? has she been laying? possibly beginning a moult?

do you see signs of mites? Yes she has a poopy but
is her crop full as it usually is when they go to bed? I dont know much about their crop but it feels soft, I dont know if it always does....
any other signs and symptoms? she seems stressed, and you should know she IS drinking and eating
Comb and wattles dark red or pale? her comb and waddles are dark red not pale at all

how old is she? I am not sure what her age is, she is a rescue has she been laying? I dont know, I dont think so but she could be possibly beginning a moult? I dont think so.

Unfortunately chickens and other prey animals dont show they are sick till it is usually too late. I am so sorry for your loss it really stinks loosing a loving bird. I care for calves for a living I have gotten pretty good at picking up on their very minuet signs when the are sick. But I still on occasion loose one with no noticeable signs and I hate it!!!

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