I need help deciding between two duck breeds/mixes!

OH and I'll just add this on, probably the thing I'm MOST inexperienced about as far as ducks go, but incubating! If you plan on hatching I've heard call ducks have a very low hatch rate (so much so that the now retired holderread made a breed similar to calls that had better luck hatching!) I don't exactly know why they supposedly have a low hatch rate, but if you don't plan on hatching I suppose it doesn't matter : D I've never hatched call ducks, just what I've heard <3 Good luck!!
If I got calls I'd definitely want to hatch them, so thanks for the info!
I have not heard of small dog syndrome but that pictures awesome haha. Ive heard calls can be a little feisty sometimes, which is sad because I really like their cute size. Ive read that calls are usually more tame than runners, but from your experience it sounds the opposite. I think I'm probably going to go with the cross. Thanks!
I have Mallards which are great at hatching out many eggs at once for me. I also have Rouens which are more friendly and not as skittish. I clipped the feathers of my Mallards the first time they started flying, have not done it since and they all stay in the area where I let them free range with the Rouens. They are kept though in an area that has a covering overhead to keep hawks away and owls, I hand raised my Mallards, sang to them, picked them up daily as ducklings but they still turned out skittish. They will come within two feet of me but don't like to be caught or held. The Rouens are more trusting and big. They lay big white eggs that are great and the Mallard eggs are too. Good luck.

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