I need help deciding...

My chicken is cuter

15 Years
Jan 6, 2009
Houston, TX
I want to know what kind of chicks these are because I need to decide which ones I'm going to keep, and which I'm going to sell because I can't keep all of them.
It has been a very hard decision so far, but I think that I might be able to decide once I know. They will be 4 weeks old tomorrow. Thanks


#2 This one kept glaring at me. Is it a roo?

#3 I know this is a SLW, but "her" comb looked particularly pink to me.

#4 What breed is this one? Is it a boy or a girl?

#5 These are all supposed to be girls. All I want to know is the breed.

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The only one I am pretty sure on is #4 She looks like a black australorp and yep I said she.
(great egg machine)

All of the others are just my best guess.
#1 & #2 look like sexlinks of some short and my guess is that they are pullets.

#3 is feathering in just like my SLW and mine is a hen. So I am going to say pullet on that one also. I don't think the comb is very red on her yet either. My GLW had the biggest/red comb forever and always made me second guess until she layed an egg.

#5 I can't really help there but they do look like girls.
The first ones look like red sex link hens.

The second one is a SLW hen,

Third is an Australorp.

Fourth all look like female Welsummers or Easter Eggers. Are those single combs I'm seeing?
Now I'm thinking that the last ones are RIR? Does anyone second that? I don't know if #4 is a girl because when she was a chick, I did the wing thing and it looked like a boy. Does feather sexing work with Austrolorps?
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