I need help for a cat who sprays

I think you are right... When Alicia calls him from outside and says common its bed time he will run upstairs and wait for his crate door to be opened and he has NEVER sprayed in there
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2 things....

1)its an animal.... thinks with his stomach
2)its a male...thinks with his stomach


in all seriousness though my daughter has a wonderful way with animals. she has trained our other cat to ring a bell when she wants out... its one of those little metal bll that has the button on top... like you would see in a shop on the counter
My random thoughts:

Just because a cat is large and has claws does not mean it is safe from predators. Cat claws mean nothing to a great horned owl, an eagle or a pack of coyotes.

That being said - I have two strictly outdoor cats, two indoor-outdoor cats and one that I haven't made up my mind on yet, she's just a kitten.
One of the outdoor cats is outdoors due to peeing down the heat registers, so I understand where you're coming from with this.

MN has similar weather to Ontario. My cats do just fine outside. They do have a little insulated cat house with pillows in it and they also have a house made of haybales and a whole shed full of hay they can get into.

If you are worried about predators, get a chain link dog kennel, cover the top with chicken wire, and make your kitty a little kitty paradise inside, with places to hide and things to climb and scratch upon and a nice warm little house. Keep him out there during the day when you're gone and let him sleep in his crate at night. He'll be safe and happy and your house won't reek of pee.
I have heard two things that could possibly work:
1. Neutering (which you've already done)
and 2. There is a type of kitty Pheromone plug in stuff that if you release it into the air it will calm the animal and make it less likely to spray.
I have read other comments of making a pen for him, which is a good idea if your willing to do it.
Just remember, with any outdoor cat there is never a guarantee that a predator wont get at him. Even if hes behind a cage.
From the sounds of things outside life might be his only option.
Three words for Smokey...."CAT ATTRACT LITTER". I was in your shoes once and ready to euthanize our 12 year old boy for the same reasons. Someone on a cat forum suggested it and it WORKS. I don't know what's in that attracts them to it, but he never had another accident....and I was watching. You can buy it at pet supply stores...petsmart, petco, pets supplies plus, etc. Please try it before you do anything drastic.....Good luck!
he does not have a toileting issue... he sprays....he does not squat when doing this his rear end is straight up and the tail wiggles...

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