I need help please..... dog attack ...update: She didn't make it!

Can you tell exactly where the break is? With Dickey I actually built a square splint, we left the middle open to be able to treat the open wound.
If you could take pics and either post or PM me I will try to help you figure out how to splint it.

Duramycinis better than nothing at this point an antibiotic is an antibiotic.
Ok. sometimes seeing it makes it easier to figure out. I am not a vet but with 30+ years experience with horses and dogs, I can usually figure out most stuff.
What I cannot tell is if there is a good blood flow to the injured foot.

Maybe someone else can???
If there is not blood flow then the best thing to do is cut it of the rest of the way. With any animal you need blood flow for healing.

Good luck with her!
farrier! :

What I cannot tell is if there is a good blood flow to the injured foot.

Maybe someone else can???
If there is not blood flow then the best thing to do is cut it of the rest of the way. With any animal you need blood flow for healing.

Good luck with her!

Yup. That may be a case for amputation...
Does she move her toes?​
It is not as bad as I was imagining, I am sure to you it seems a lot worse. That is gonna be tough to splint as it appears high up on the thigh, am I seeing that right?
I am thinking more of immobilizing than splinting, but you need to be able to get to the wound to treat that.

Best thing I have found and we used this on Dickey, for open wounds is iodine and sugar, make a paste and pack the wound. You may be able to make a square or triangle type "splint" for the first week.
Ok, first gauze and lots of it will be needed for cushioning. I would get gauze pads and rolls.The Skewers I mentioned, Iodine (you can get Povidine Iodine at WalMart) and vetwrap (the smaller "pet" size is best but you can cut the larger rolls down, sometimes walmart carries this in the pet section or Tractor Supply or Farm Store. Also some gauze or bandage tape, the white stuff.
She really should ultimately be on Penecillen, not expensive but with a young bird it is gonna be a bit tricky finding places to inject.
I would alternante , breast, breast, good thigh. You need an 18 needles , you could try 20 but it is harder to push Pen through a 20 , it can be done but it takes longer. I would do between 1/4 and 1/2 cc a day.

If what I am seeingin the pics is right, this is the back of the thigh?
If so, clean with the iodine, pat dry with gauze. First time will be trial and error and an extra pair of hands will help. You will have to cut a skewer and do a fit, you want to stabilize the area without causing problems with movement or a chance or rubbing up against the body. Once you have a fit and design for the "splint" you can tape those pieces together with the bandage tape. Then wrap the splint in gauze to make it cushiony.
Once that is done you can apply the splint and wrap it to the leg with gauze first, then vetwrap, you may need to actually wrap a time or 2 around the body the first week or 2 for stability. Make sure you leave a "hole" in the splint and in the bandaging to treat the wound.
Once it is all bandaged, make a paste with iodine and sugar, pack that on the open wound.
I would check it daily for any signs of infection and change it every 2 or 3 days. With Dickey, within 2 weeks his wound was completely healed over.
You can try to align the bones before stabilizing, it may or may not work. Dickey's bones were not able to be aligned because of where it was broken, he has a knot there but is able to flap his wings equally.
I wish I was closer, I would come help, I hope you can get her through this. I will be happy to help any way I can.
The wound is actually on the front of the leg right at the joint of the thigh. These pictures were taking with her almost on her back. I don't know how to explain it any better than that. I can see the bone and I know it is completly broken into. When I try to splint it in a natural position the bone sticks out... so do I straighten the leg and then try and splint it?

I have not noticed her move her toes at all since this has happened, but the foot is still warm. I keep checking to make sure.
Good that it is still warm!
Try to get the bone ends lined up. Otherwise it may be less painful to remove it. Sounds like you have a good chance if you can line them up!
I think in this case, get the bone as close as you can and splint it. I wish I could tell you it wouldwork out as well as Dickey did, but if you are like me, you gotta try. As long as the foot is warm I would not worry too much about not seeing movement, if the blood vessels and muscles are mostly intact the chances are good for recovery.

The first thing is to make sure the wound is clean, which itlooks like you have cleaned it well, you may also have to pluck some more feathers around it , we did on Dickey, we also have to cut back some feathers for bandaging. It may take a few tries to come up with a workable splint, but I am confident that you can do this.
I would try to get the leg in a natural position as natural as possible.

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