I need help please..... dog attack ...update: She didn't make it!

This chick would be best culled in my opinion. It is not right to continue to make it suffer in pain. Sometimes I wonder who we are helping in wanting them to suffer, us or them. Is it for our own selfish reasons? Surely the chicken wouldn't choose suffering.

If it was a simple injury., then by all means, treat it! But in something this complex, why?
I have some bad news... Sweet Pea didn't make it. I went to check on her just now and she had already died. I know I did all I could for her and I am satisfied with that. Atleast she is not suffering anymore. Thanks everybody for all your kinds words.... it really helped alote, and to all the people with negative comments...... You only make me stronger!!
Barnyard, I am so sorry. Unfortunately, I am feeling your pain right now. I went out to check on the chicks that my DS had let out just a little while ago. My big black dog greeted me with a chick in his mouth.
I feel horrible too. He'd been really good and I guess we got too comfortable. Both of our dogs seemed very protective of the chicks, I can't believe he did that.

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