I need help please..... dog attack ...update: She didn't make it!

Why? Because you get attached to them just like any other pet.
I have a wonderful Tom Turkey today because the decision was made to treat a compound fracture to the wing rather than "cull" him. Opinions are opinions, but please respect the OP's feelings.
so sorry for your loss!!

and sorry if you were misunderstood and you got complaints. i am sure when you mentioned punishing your dog you did it humanely. some have an emotional response to these things and while i feel connected to anyone who loves animals, emotional responses sometimes don't get expressed very well in emails. obviously you love animals given your distress over the situation and you did your best. i have also lost a chicken to a dog and it is so hard to deal with the guilt. in my case, the coop was not dog proof (lesson learned). of course it had to be my favorite girl that was killed by the dog. and only a few weeks ago, a friends dog was visiting, and i spaced out and left my back door open while the girls were free ranging, when i realized it i ran outside and the dog had a mouthful of feathers - my heart sank and my nausea rose...but luckily it was only feathers and the chickens were fine. lesson learned - again.

so in memory of sweet pea, we can all remember to be super careful with our dogs / cats and other possible predators, and to try to be kind to each other, especially those who go the extra mile for animals, because none of us are perfect.

rest in peace, sweet pea.
I'm so sorry for your loss, and cobrien has well spoken...
I am so sorry for the loss of your chick. I fully believe that an animal that wants to fight for it's life deserves that chance and giving it to them is never cruel, to deny them because it's hard or complicated is. I am sorry others chose to offer cruelty and judgment when you only asked for help. I am even more grateful for the greater number of wonderful people here who offered encouragement, knowledge, and compassion. And I'm sure there were many who, like me, watched and prayed but didn't post. RIP Sweet Pea.
Oh- poor sweat pea! chicks are so fragile.

even dogs that would normally 'guard and protect and lick a chick on the beak in 'motherliness'...often do not know how to correctly 'play' with something so fragile and a simple paw extended in a 'rough housing jesture' can squish a chick.

Train your pets to co exhist- but never trust them 100%.

itty bitty babies are best kept corralled in a STURDY crate/cage/wire fencing when outdoors just in case!
obviously the few days of pain would have been entirely WORTH it if the chick would've recouperated and let a happy life...isnt any life WORTH the effort?

lets just CULL everything because its suffering....next time a human breaks a leg, lets just euthanize them to end the pain....

DEATH is PERMANENT...lets not be hastey when making such a decision for another creature whom if ASKED and could talk would vote to LIVE.

That's MY piece.

Why? Because you get attached to them just like any other pet.
I have a wonderful Tom Turkey today because the decision was made to treat a compound fracture to the wing rather than "cull" him. Opinions are opinions, but please respect the OP's feelings.

Yup, know all too well about the pet part. Hence my thinking from today. Dealing with a wry neck issue of my own, and deep thinking if I'm doing it to keep the chick here for itself, or for my selfish self. I keep wondering if it's suffering. Much easier if I knew for sure it was, then the decision would be made.

So yeah, opinions, respect everyone's and don't jump into judgement and conclusions without knowing the intent behind the post.

To the OP, HUGE HUGS! Losing one is NEVER easy. Losing one to a tragedy is much more!!! Take comfort in knowing you did what you could, and it was just it's time to go.

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