I need help, please help me figure this out.

Kristy, I'm glad Bear is doing better, and I hope it continues! I tend to agree with Woodland Woman on the stroke. Yes, it's rare in a young dog, but keep in mind that at 5 years old, Bear is almost middle aged. The symptoms just remind me of what one of our dogs went thru years ago (and he was an old man at the time!), and that was what our vet figured. He did recover and last for a while, but since Bear is younger he may do well. At least I hope so! Woof was 14/15 when he had his, so it wasn't but a year later we said good-bye to him.
Can be so heart wrenching when your pets are sick. Unable to articulate like a human exactly what is giving them illness or pain. Then having to try and go to work with that on your mind.. I feel for you. I hope he continues to improve.
Hope he's doing better today..

Do you have any ponds where he could have ingested some algae? we get blooms up here in the early summer that can kill a dog in a matter of hours.....

Plus, a dead owl is a bit rare find.....could the owl have eaten a poisoned mouse and the dog eat part of the owl?

Just thoughts... hope you can figure it out.
I suspect so too on the poison. Bear is home today. He made a rapid recovery and now shows no symptoms what so ever. It is as if he was never sick to begin with. The vets ran all sorts of toxicologies and tests and still can not figure out what happen. On his discharge papers they wrote suspected ingestion of medication or toxin. They told me to scour the house to make sure there is nothing he could get into.

He isn't the type of dog to just randomly eat anything on the floor. He is pretty picky, but it does not mean it is not impossible that he licked up a dropped pill.

The dead owl had me confused as well. It was laying on the ground, in perfect shape, no injuries. it looks like it just fell off a branch or something. I do not use poisons for pest control but I do not know about my neighbors. Still I am a good distance from the nearest neighbor. There is a pond near by but he never goes to it. He isn't allowed out of my sight and the only time he is out of the yard is when he's in the pasture with me. It doe snot mean he hasn't wandered out of view a time or two, but I doubt he's gone to the pond.

It is truely a mystery. They had multiple vets look at him and his records at the animal hospital and none could come up with any concrete conclusion. I trust this animal hospital. They have treated many of my animals in emergencies and have always given them the best care possible.

I knew he was feeling better because as we walked out to the car, he had the nurses laughing because he did this prancing hop thing he does when he's happy, all the way to my car. When we got home the first thing he did was race over to the chicken coop then to the pasture to check on HIS flock.

I'm just glad to have him home. Thank you so much for the suggestions and support. I fwd all the info to the vet while he was in the animal hospital and they looked into everything suggested.
It is interesting that they came up with "dumb rabies" because if he has been vaccinated for rabies, he should definitely NOT have rabies. Anyway, to me, this sounds like seizures. What breed of dog is he? Loosing control of his urine, unresponsive and loss of motor and the fact that it happened so quickly and he recovered quite fast too. But they never said anything about seizures did they? Anyway, so glad your dog is okay.

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