I need help!


Jul 11, 2016
Menifee, California
i have 6 hens, all raised together, but 3 different breeds. Of those, one is a white crested black polish (all about 10 weeks old). Someone is constantly pulling her head feathers out. I believe she's at the bottom of the pecking order. She's the only one who wont roost....she sits on her own in the hen house on the floor. I'd like to at least help her not to be having her head feathers pulled.....any suggestions?? I feel so bad for her, that's gotta hurt! Thanks for any help you can give!!
From what I've read, other "love plucking" those head feathers....It's got to hurt & maybe why she sits alone:hit I have no clue how to stop the others but I'm sure someone will have the expertise. I read somewhere here chickens don't like the taste of yellow mustard, they put it in dummy eggs to stop egg eating. It's not going to be pretty but maybe some smeared on the Polish's head feathering? Sorry I'm no help but hang in there someone will be peeping in with help.
I have a couple of girls as you can see in my profile picture. This has happened to them too until I sprayed their white puffy feathers with blu-Kote, The fluffy feathers turned purple and the chickens don't like the taste of it. I have found this lotion that's kinda costly it is called anti peck lotion, the cheapest place I found it was from Valley Vet on line. Hope this helps and let me know if I can be of any other help to you.
Can you get a roo? My bantam ended all flock squabbles in less than 24 hours after tossing him into the coop. Might be worth a shot if you can.
I found this an issue and used pick-no-more. It works but needs reapplied every few days.

Seriously dangerous to the crested girl to just let them pull her hair. She will be a bloody mess and blood invites more pecking.

I got my Polish all healed up and re homed them.

Lazy Gardner said it well.
No bird enjoys being the odd one of the group.
I have a couple of girls as you can see in my profile picture. This has happened to them too until I sprayed their white puffy feathers with blu-Kote, The fluffy feathers turned purple and the chickens don't like the taste of it. I have found this lotion that's kinda costly it is called anti peck lotion, the cheapest place I found it was from Valley Vet on line. Hope this helps and let me know if I can be of any other help to you.
so you use both products?? I am happy to order/find both i just want to be sure I'm doing it properly! Thank you so much! I really love her, I would like to keep her and try to nip this issue. Thank you again!!
Sounds like you have enough coop space. I'd put up a second roost, and make sure it's high enough that the bully(s) can't grab her toes from below when she's on it. I'm guessing that if she has a perch away from the meanies, that she'll use it and the meanies won't give up their que on the favored perch just so they can pick on her.

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