I need recipes/uses for heavy whipping cream!

Chicky Joy

11 Years
Jun 22, 2008
My mother-in-law gave me almost a whole case of whipping cream that was sent to the family gas station by mistake. I have a few things I want to do with it but not enough to use up all of the cartons she gave me.

So, anyone have any ideas?
How do you make butter?
make home made icecream
make an angelfood cake and whip the cream and add strawberries
make mouse
make a cream based soup like broccoli cheddar or baked potato soup
(you can use cream instead of the milk and it will just be richer)
make alfredo sauce
and ill keep thinking about it
to make butter you put the cream in a jar wiht a lid let it sit for a couple of hours to slighlty sour then put the lid on and shake it up and down for a while you will get chunks then keep shaking then pour off liquid(can save this it is buttermilk) put the chunks on a plate and put some tap water into it and mix it (kinda mash it in with a fork) then pour off the liquid and keep doing this until the liquid you pour off is clear and add osme salt and you have butter
you can put it in a large container and shake it until it starts to separate, keep shaking it,or roll it back and forth till it makes a good ball of butter, then you need to work out the remaining liquid by pressing it with large spoons i always add a touch of kosher salt for taste then mold it up into small bowls and put it in the fridge till it sets good you can freeze it till use. thats the way i do it anyway.
Mmmmmmmmm, please do. All good ideas. I love soups and alfredo. I can hear the calories calling already
Beat until you make whipped cream. Then keep beating until the butter and buttermilk separate.(It will be obvious, when in doubt keep beating) The butter will be fat globs. One it all separates drain the buttermilk off. You can use it for baking or drink it. Take the butter fat clumps and put them in a bowl. Press them with the back of a spoon to squish any buttermilk out. Add salt if you wish. It will be a cream cheese texture, but will harden in the fridge.

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