My 3 girls all nested about a month ago. A couple of days ago one of my girls was attacked by a fox and she passed away. I divided up her viable eggs and put about 6 each on the other girls nests. All good.
Yesterday, Newton’s eggs started hatching. There was around 6 eggs that didn’t hatch with the others and by this morning she took them out for their first walk and essentially abandoned the 6 eggs. 3 were pipping and 2 had poked their beaks through. They were all getting cold, so in a bit of a panic I put the 3 whole eggs under Winsor and held the others to work out what to do. I then put the 4th egg with the others under Winsor.
Anyway, these 2 have now completely hatched but they aren’t thriving so well. They looked awful this arvo but I’ve had them wrapped in a tea towel and helped them dry off. Theyve had a little water and tried to nibble at some crumble. They are loud and wriggling a lot but can’t stand very well. They lay down constantly and can’t walk properly. In fact they just lurch about like a pair of drunks. I tried putting them with the clutch outside but mumma newton isn’t helping them stay in the group so they keep getting left behind when the flock moves or whatever.