I need some advice.


Free Ranging
6 Years
Mar 5, 2017
So I have a 5 year old Chihuahua with gingivitis. I finally found a vet that I want to do his teeth cleaning. She talked me through it and he will be getting it done in a few weeks he will have blood work dont first, and while he is under he will be monitored. But I am still worried about him going under anesthesia. The last time he went under was when we first got him and he got neutered. That was a long time ago. I just wanted to know what you think. Is there anything that I can do at home. I really hate to put him under anesthesia.:hmm
I'm no expert and have no medicine experience, but biased on things I've read and heard from people who do know that their talking about:
As long as your dog is otherwise healthy I don't see where there's a big risk involved. Do you know how long your dog would be under anesthesia?

There is dog toothpaste but if your dog is aggressive or very nervous it won't be easy, and even if it does hold still it probably won't be as thorough as a vet cleaning would.
This is something that needs to be done. Bad teeth are painful and infected teeth can cause serious infections. After you get his teeth done by the vet you can maybe brush his teeth to prevent tarter buildup. Hard dog biscuits and chews can help too. Talk to your vet about preventative measures you can do. But he needs the vet to work on his bad teeth first.
If having an IV catheter is an option I would go with that too. It's a nice option in that the Doctor will have direct access to a vein should it be necessary. I work at a Veterinary clinic and one of my favorite procedures is a dental because the animal comes in with some of the most rotten, loose, infected teeth and leaves with a much cleaner and healthier mouth! Good luck to your pup!
I have a 10 year old Maltese that is genetically prone to gingivitis and tooth loss. Nothing I have done over his 10 years, brushing his teeth daily, using many different types of tartar and health gum pastes has made a difference. He has been under anesthesia 3 times in the past 2 years to have teeth pulled. Out of 44 teeth, he has 12 left.

If your dog has gingivitis, he will probably lose his teeth eventually. Do not wait on this, rotten teeth, tartar and lose teeth grow a ton of bacteria which gets into the heart and kidneys and can eventually kill the dog. I am always nervous about putting my little guy under anesthesia, but not going through with it is cruel to the animal.

Make sure you trust your vet completely. They should definitely check the heart to make sure the dog can handle the procedure and definitely a blood work up will tell if the kidneys and liver are working properly to clean all the anesthesia out of the dogs body afterwards.

Anesthesia is always risky, but it's not all that common that dogs die on the table.

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